Sunday, February 20, 2011

A typical medical rep's dilemma - Company or Colleague?? --- react or regret??

I met a friend of mine who works for a pharmaceutical company as a field executive.He is working in the company for several years and has always contributed significantly. He was flexible enough to take new challenges; in fact he was transferred to places to establish some of the products. He has a very typical problem now.

After putting several years of experience in an executive position, he is now awaiting for a managerial position. There are few front runners for that position within his company. Few months back he discovered that one of his colleagues (competing for the same position) is reporting false. And this is happening for some time.

My friend is aware that “reporting false” is an intolerable pharmaceutical industry so he talked about this issue to his manager then, but to his surprise none listen and he was told “you need maturity to handle such type of issue”. Increasingly my friend notices his manager’s bias towards this colleague.

He is in a dilemma now, taking this issue to senior management provides some window of opportunity to get the problem fixed, on the other hand taking this issue can permanently damage his relationship with his colleague and manager. In addition, though taking this issue provides a chance of my friend being considered for promotion, yet he doubts the senior management may also not listen to him and brand him permanently as “immature guy”.

This is a typical situation in pharma industry where almost all reps at some point would undergo such situation, Even I did!!!

I provided some solutions to my friend, but he looks unconvinced. Can you provide a solution?

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